Sunday, January 15, 2006

A New Year

Ok Ok Ok!
The emails have been unrelenting! Are you guys dead?? Has the community broken up? Is the sky falling down?

The answer to all of these is, of course - no! Although things are on the move. We sadly bid goodbye to Pete last week as he makes his way to Tasmania to pusue his art further. We will miss his art, his dry wit, and his adventures at Curtin uni. You can see more of his art here.

So the community has changed. Over the next few weeks I will try to blog daily as an experiment in "thinking out loud theologically" about our community life and how God is seen and present in it. Hopefully other members of the community will join the discussion, as hopefully will you dear reader.

Some themes which spring to mind are silence, meals, children, breakfast, wine, retreat, monks. Any more ideas??