Monday, February 27, 2006

Keeping Track.

I led staff devotions at my school today. Usually I try to do something different than the break into groups and pray, or just the pray outloud thing. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but my experience with the Monastic tradition gives me a chance to share some of that spirituality – often with those who have no experience of it.

Last time I did a simple Lauds. Today I used the Sacred Space website to stimulate some pre-lent reflection. It was a good experience. I am always amazed at how the people you think are not going to get it do –and then tell you about it!

It got me thinking about what I am going to do for Lent. This year it seems more vital than ever. I am worn. There is sin to deal with (I don’t say that lightly or over –zealously. It is a mere fact.) I need to move forward. Now.

Instead of a whole lot of rules my plan is to make Lent – Be good to your self Lent.
Before you self-disciplined young people take me up on lent being a period of self denial, and self discipline, let me explain.

For me to be good to myself, I need to be disciplined and practice denial. The way it playing out in my mind at the moment I can see some of these things taking place:

Get enough sleep. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Exercise daily. Forget about weight loss and concentrate on getting my physical self healthy.
Eat Better. I like to eat so be healthy. Less meat. More organic food.
Take reflection time. Daily.Pray. Think. Confess. Reflect.
Stop doing things that take me away from myself, my family and God. Like too much internet. Like being grumpy. Like being restless. Like Sin. Deal with these things.

I figure if I have a shot, I may well get somewhere.
I am not going to beat myself up over this.
Lent is a time to get things right. It will take time.
I trust. I pray.
I have a community to support me.