Sunday, July 02, 2006


Is not Holiness the result of many patient efforts after obedience, gradually working on us, and first modifying and then changing our hearts?”
John Henry Newman.

I am both drawn and repelled by the idea of Holiness.
Holiness can speak of pious, do-gooder, churchiness.
A Christianity that is spineless and insipid.

But I also know holiness can also speak of being in-tune with the Spirit.
Of time spent studying the scriptures, and of a heart for both prayer and the whole of God’s creation.
Truly a life “Set Apart” for God. In the world, but not of the world.

I know I need more holiness in my life.
I am barren too often - unable to respond to God’s love through my own listlessness, stubbiness and unawareness.

Holiness must have an outward form. A visible, and “sacramental” character.

What might Holiness look like for me as an individual - as a husband, as a father, as a son, as a colleague, as a friend?

Equally as important, what might Holiness look like for us a community?

How to structure, grace and liberty work together for our good?

The test is “Are we living in a mere dream, which we mistake for Christian faith and obedience, or are we truly awake, alive, living in the day, on our road heavenward ?”

I will seek holiness that I may believe.