Sunday, February 18, 2007

The ABC's of me - er, us.

Tagged by Alan, here's a little more about me (and us!)

A - Available or Married? Married.

B - Best Moment? Probably becoming a Catholic, but in another sense releasing my first CD was immensely satisfying.

C - Cake or Pie? Pie. Blueberry. With Ice Cream.

D - Drink of choice? Usually G and T (How Anglican!) Or beer on a hot day. Red Wine anytime. If no alcohol - I am rather fond of a Citron Presse. Coffee 24/7.

E - Essential Item? Music. Definitely. Paul Weller or The Church.

F - Favorite Colour? Blue. Or Red. With Stripes.

G - Gummi Bears or Worms? What? BBQ Chips thanks.

H - Hometown? Melbourne, Victoria. But I've lived in Perth for the last 25 years.

I - Indulgence? Books. And wine.

J - January or February? January for sure. School in back in Feb and that means work.

K - Kids & Names? 2: Eliza Rose Nicolette and Noah Willem.

L - Life is incomplete without? Community. And sold chunks of hanging out time.

M - Marriage Date? March 22nd, 1997.

N - Number of Siblings? One. Phil..

O - Oranges or apples? Apples. But must be COLD and CRISP.

P - Phobias/Fears: Heights. Failure. Success.

Q - Favorite Quotation?
I sat here thinking of a good one to write. I thought Of Nouwen, De Mello, Merton, Griffiths -who I all love, but all that felt right was a song lyric:

"The past is knowledge, the present our mistake
- and the future we always leave too late.
I wish we'd come to our senses
and see there is no truth
in those who promote the confusion
for this ever changing mood"

Paul Weller, My Ever Changing Moods.

R - Reason to Smile? Watching my kids play. Seeing our extended community gathered. Realizing how lucky I truly am. Playing music.

S - Season? Spring. I'd like to try it in Paris actually.

T - Tag three people! Phil, Shelle, Matt J.

U - Unknown fact about me: I am a MASSSIVE Dr Who fan. Love it. Live it.

V - Vegetable you hate? Brussel Sprouts. Just can;t do it -even with Garlic, Cream and Bacon.

W - Worst habit? Stewing about things and then letting off steam by being difficult or exploding. Not very helpful or mature.

Y - Your favorite food? Curry. Not TOO hot but enough spice to really get you going. With Rice and poppadoms.

Z - Zodiac? Cancer,but that's a disease and lets not bring the tone of this down any further...