Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Living Easter Joy

Lent is over and Easter Joy has begun!

How to enter into this joy?

How to bring this joy to those around us?
My reading of the Jerusalem Communities (See the links all through this site) and the communities who follow the work Charles de Foucauld has awakened my spiritual senses, to think again why we as a community follow Christ in this way.

We meet together because we know that we find Christ in each other, in joining in simply being with each other, sharing the journey, encouraging, crying, rejoicing, living the mystery day by day.

We pray together with ancient words and rites, connecting to the generations of Christians before us. We strive to make our prayer silent, simple and beautiful, as silence, simplicity and beauty can evangelize and bring others, as well as ourselves, into God's presence.

We reach out to others by sharing their journeys with love.
What will happen, will happen in God's own time.
We simple speak of Christ with love and respect and openness.
Over these Easter weeks, I am going to be reading and studying a reading paper produced by the Lay Fraternities of Charles de Foucauld. Feel free to enter into dialogue with me/us about it!